To empower our youth with the skills and resources to teach them HOW to lead - honoring legacy, with the courage to impact change now.

501(c)3 Non Profit Organization

Join the YLA Chamber

 The YLA Chamber serves as the professional resource for the student members of the Youth Leadership Alliance.  The goal of the YLA Chamber is to bring practical application to students' learning.  Throughout the year, students will participate in Service Learning Projects in 5 focus areas - Literacy, STEM, Workforce Development, Advocacy and  Real World Readiness. Chamber members are encouraged to participate in the Service Learning Projects as panelists, speakers and workshop facilitators.  

The Chamber is community of professionals, educators and leaders who are dedicated to teaching our youth HOW to lead.  We are looking for dedicated professionals who want to engage with youth.  
Events & Activities
Chamber members have monthly business meetings, 1st Friday Networking events and particpate in many of the students events.  
What We Do
YLA Student Give Back
Chamber members are provided traditional mixers/networking events, seminars and roundtables with other business owners, executive and community-based organizations.  Members are included in the directory and online advertising.  Some events include opportunities for the YLA students to participate and learn the how to's of networking and establishing professional and business relationships. 
Chambers members serve as mentors, speakers and volunteers at student events.  Chamber companies work with students as interns and are signature sponsors.