To empower our youth with the skills and resources to teach them HOW to lead - honoring legacy, with the courage to impact change now.

501(c)3 Non Profit Organization

About Us
The Youth Leadership Alliance provides educational and enrichment opportunities that develop the interpersonal and organizational management skills of our youth, through our partnerships with business and community leaders, to prepare them to lead the conversations and innovations that will effect change and promote progress in their communities.
Youth Leadership Alliance is a 501(c)( 3) nonprofit organization that takes a Village Pathways approach to provide educational and enrichment opportunities.  The Alliance members include community leaders, industry professionals, local and national businesses and institutions of higher learning and specialized training.  We work together to bring students the most current and impactful information and training possible to bridge the achievement gap and close the opportunity divide to prepare them for college and the workforce.

Our Programs 

Leadership Development

Literacy and Study Skills Development

STEM Training and Certification

Real World Readiness

Workforce Development


Advocacy and Awareness

Community Service and Outreach
The Campus Connection

The Youth Leadership Alliance works with the student clubs and organizations to provide educational and enrichment opportunities for youth in the areas of Leadership, Community Advocacy and Outreach and Professional Skills Development.

YLA begins with a Leadership Conference Series that teaches students organizational management skills to develop and expand the mission and goals of their campus clubs.  We meet with the campus administrative team and club advisors to develop a customized and comprehensive action plan for each school. Each cohort of clubs will participate in multiple training sessions and service learning projects throughout the year that will provide training and resources to empower them to build or establish an impactful presence on campus and in the community.

​Many sessions are designed for students to participate with the clubs on their own campus and we focus on their roles and responsibilties to their school and student body.  While a few sessions allow for students to network with clubs at other schools in their regions.  This gives the students an opportunity to learn to build a network to eliminate the Us and Them and develop We and Our.

Our Clubs, Our Schools, Our Communities