To empower our youth with the skills and resources to teach them HOW to lead - honoring legacy, with the courage to impact change now.

501(c)3 Non Profit Organization

Fundraising Goal

5 in 5 campaign

We will add 5 clubs in 5 schools.  This will add at least 25 clubs and nearly 500 students. 
To make this happen, we need the support of leaders like you and organizations like yours, who are committed to preparing our students for life.  We want to see these teens grow and thrive.  The Youth Leadership Alliance and our YLA Chamber member partners provide leadership and organizational management training and service learning projects  to bring theory into practice in a way that engages these teens with fun activities that are truly life lessons. 

 Youth Leadership Alliance prepares our students for excellence.
There is still an achievement gap and now an opportunity divide, with your help we can close them both.    

Our Campus Connection program provides a three-part Leadership Conference series and Service Learning projects in five Service Areas:   Literacy, S.T.E.M., Workforce Development/Entrepreneurship, Advocacy & Awareness and Real World Readiness.   

Sponsor a conference or service learning project or sponsor a school.
Donations are needed for materials and supplies, transporation, lunch & snacks.  

  1. Leadership Conference
    Goal $10,000 per school
    This 3-part series develops the mission, goals and strategic plan for club growth. Individual Session - $3,500 per school Full Series - $10,000 per school
  2. Service Learning Projects
    Goal $50,000 per school
    Two projects in each Service Learning Area: Literacy, STEM, Workforce Development, Advocacy/Awareness, Real World Readiness Single Service Learning Project - $5,000 Single STEM Project - $10,000
  3. Sponsor a School
    Goal $60,000 per school
    School Sponsorship covers the Leadership Conference and Service Learning projects for five clubs at the school. Single School Sponsor - $60,000
  4. Materials and Supplies
    Goal $20,000
    Students starter kits, club day booth supplies and the necessary supplies for the conference and Service Learning Projects. Single Session - $1,500 per school Full Program - $4,000 per school
  5. Transportation
    Goal $5,000
    With your support, transportation will be provided to/from the students home school or other central location to the workshop or Service Learning project venue. Full Program - $2,000 per school
  6. Healthy Lunch & Snacks
    Goal $30,000
    Workshops and training sessions are full days and it is necessary to provide students with meals (breakfast/lunch) and snacks. Single Session - $750 all schools Full Series - $6,000 all schools